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Think about the most difficult situation you’ve ever been through in your life so far. Think about the fact that it’s difficult to you not only because it’s how the human brain is wired, but also because of how God wired you. Something that is a mountain-sized problem for you might be an anthill to someone else, but they have a mountain-sized problem that’s only the size of a small sailboat to you. Our brains and bodies process stress and pain the same way, but the things that cause those pains and stresses are uniquely our own.

Now, think about this same problem in terms of God. What is this problem to Him? Do you feel like it’s bigger than Him? Or perhaps there is there a part of you that knows your God is the God that created the Heavens and the Earth, breathed life into Adam, and still breathes life into the spiritually dead?

He’s the God of all things and beings and there isn’t a circumstance on this Earth that He would need to break a sweat in order to fix.

God can fit everyone’s problems in the history and future of this world in the palm of His hand. This isn’t an easy task for Him though because, in order for things to be easy, something would have to also be difficult. He’s the God of all things and beings and there isn’t a circumstance on this Earth that He would need to break a sweat in order to fix.

God doesn’t find our problems easy or difficult, they just are.

Your problems are not insignificant to Him either - you are significant to Him and so also is everything about you, including your problems.

But how can we use this knowledge to challenge our perspective when we have problems? We’ll always have them as long as we’re on this side of Heaven. Are there problems we face that we can fix simply with a change in perspective? Yes. Perhaps one of the best perspectives we can adopt is the fact that we are looking at the universe through one set of human eyes with a magnifying glass. There is so much to learn, but we will only see a small fraction at a time.