Hello! Thank you for stopping by my humble Internet abode.
I live in Birmingham, AL, in a studio apartment tucked away in the sky. Other than writing, I love exploring my city, reading fiction novels, tending to my small collection of plants, and taking care of my two cats Bishop and Winston.
Writing has been a hobby of mine since middle school, and having this site keeps me in practice and accountable. Ironically, I’m not the best with grammar so you may catch a mistake or two, but what’s an amateur blogger without a weakness?
Currently, I write mostly about the experiences I’ve had and the lessons I’m learning, but you’ll see a couple of other styles around here too, like anecdotes and novella-style blogs. One day I’d love to write a novel, but my hope is that through reading a post or two, you can find encouragement, entertainment, and someone you can relate to.
Drop a comment or contact me privately here.
Feel free to roam around a little and make yourself at home.