“But what happens when we morph so far into others that we don’t know who we are or where our identity lies?”
Read More“I’d been ignoring my small harshness towards God so much that I was sacrificing our big relationship on an altar of comfort-motivated avoidance, shallow legalism, and pride.”
Read More“Joy picks you up off the floor, shows you tomorrow’s sunlight, and allows you to experience that sunlight today.”
Read More“A significant part, and perhaps the most significant part, of any parent’s role is to represent what their children’s relationship with God can look like.”
Read More“Too often, the church or individual Christian turns away from people with what we deem as too much ugliness in their life. We’ll show up though if Jesus makes a change, but even that can be too much.”
Read More“This brings you closer to Him because it requires you to be active, bold, and righteously assertive in your faith.”
Read More“I recognized that God was emptying out the crud, but the symptoms of that unhealthiness were still there.”
Read More“What’s going to be a game-changer for you this year? There are endless possibilities - spiritual growth, career development, emotional wholeness, investing in your relationships better.”
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