“Everything I was doing was to make my job more sustainable for me, but all it did was make the (what I now know was) inevitable end less jarring.”
Read More“I’m trying to be honest with myself (and you, Reader) about this and frankly, it’s uncomfortable. I don’t like writing about him because I want to avoid honesty.”
Read More“I’d been ignoring my small harshness towards God so much that I was sacrificing our big relationship on an altar of comfort-motivated avoidance, shallow legalism, and pride.”
Read More“What’s going to be a game-changer for you this year? There are endless possibilities - spiritual growth, career development, emotional wholeness, investing in your relationships better.”
Read More“What’s so great about God is that even with giving us the greatest gift of his son Jesus, he doesn’t stop there. He continues to give because it’s in his nature.”
Read More“It’s easier said than done, but I’m definitely over the self-condemnation. I much prefer holy conviction.”
Read More“To try to make another adult feel an emotion is to claim an arrogant amount of authority over their well-being and to discredit their own God-given abilities of control over their reactions.”
Read More“And so the cycle is this: you keep going to all the Christian events, taking your hits of worship to absorb this pseudo-satisfaction that you’re a deep Christian because you allow yourself to cry at church.”
Read More“I found familiarity and comfort in a previously played out disaster scenario. They come back when needed until eventually they’re played out and another takes its place. Gotta keep the disaster scenarios fresh.”
Read More“But I remember leaving the jail and the feeling of shock over the mess I’d just gotten myself into, the disbelief that I was one of those ‘bad people who gets arrested.’ I remember feeling the need to go to church.”
Read More“Words are the most common form of currency we use to connect with those around us. They have a give and take policy between its patrons, and it takes more than a lifetime to master all of their uses.”
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