“A significant part, and perhaps the most significant part, of any parent’s role is to represent what their children’s relationship with God can look like.”
Read More“What’s going to be a game-changer for you this year? There are endless possibilities - spiritual growth, career development, emotional wholeness, investing in your relationships better.”
Read More“And when you talk about your feelings to others, you paint an over-dramatized picture highlighting every negative detail to make sure everyone is on your side instead of delivering a simple truth.”
Read More“When you decide to face it though, healing is a force that brings out ugliness. You will feel your anger, your rage in its rawest form.”
Read More“But I remember leaving the jail and the feeling of shock over the mess I’d just gotten myself into, the disbelief that I was one of those ‘bad people who gets arrested.’ I remember feeling the need to go to church.”
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