“And when you talk about your feelings to others, you paint an over-dramatized picture highlighting every negative detail to make sure everyone is on your side instead of delivering a simple truth.”
Read More“When you decide to face it though, healing is a force that brings out ugliness. You will feel your anger, your rage in its rawest form.”
Read More“God can fit everyone’s problems in the history and future of this world in the palm of His hand. This isn’t an easy task for Him though because, in order for things to be easy, something would have to also be difficult.”
Read More“The best part was the remote walking trails though. Hardly anyone went to those and while I had to fend off a few mosquitoes, it was there I could focus on God. “
Read More“I found familiarity and comfort in a previously played out disaster scenario. They come back when needed until eventually they’re played out and another takes its place. Gotta keep the disaster scenarios fresh.”
Read More“But I remember leaving the jail and the feeling of shock over the mess I’d just gotten myself into, the disbelief that I was one of those ‘bad people who gets arrested.’ I remember feeling the need to go to church.”
Read More“I put my arms behind my back, but I’d forgotten how to raise them. He asked me if the handcuffs were hurting me. I don’t remember if I answered or not, but I hated the handcuffs.”
Read More“Words are the most common form of currency we use to connect with those around us. They have a give and take policy between its patrons, and it takes more than a lifetime to master all of their uses.”
Read More“This is where you have the highest level of intimacy with Him. You know when you’re so close to someone that you can have your alone time even when they’re with you? That’s what God wants in its purest, most sacred form.”
Read More“We want you to feel valued and heard, so we’re typically easy to please and we don’t mind sacrificing a little, or a lot, in the name of helping you feel the way we’ve always wanted.”
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